
Almene publikationer

Lerstrup, I. Skovelementer kan gøre børnehavens legeplads mere spændende (2015) Videnblade park og landskab Planlægning (3.19-20). Skov og Landskab.

Lerstrup, I. Skovelementer kan gøre grønne områder attraktive for børnehaver (2015) Videnblade park og landskab Planlægning (3.19-21). Skov og Landskab.

Videnskabelige publikationer

Lerstrup, I. , Chawla, L. & Heft, H. (2022). Affordances of Small Animals for Young childrenInternational Journal of Early childhood environmental Education, 9(1).

Jansson, M. & Lerstrup, I. (2020). Children’s perspectives on green space management in Sweden and Denmark (2021). In Place, Pedagogy and Play. Taylor \& Francis.

Jansson, M., Fors, H., Sundevall, E. P., Bengtsson, A., Lerstrup, I., Hurley, P., Qviström, M. & Randrup, T. B. (2020). User-oriented urban open space governance and management. In Urban Open Space Governance and Management (pp. 68-92). Routledge.

Djernis, D., Lerstrup, I., Poulsen, D., Stigsdotter, U., Dahlgaard, J. & O’Toole, M. (2019). A systematic review and meta-analysis of nature-based mindfulness: Effects of moving mindfulness training into an outdoor natural setting (2019). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(17).

Lerstrup, I. & Konijnendijk van den Bosch, C (2017). Affordances of outdoor settings for children in preschool: revisiting Heft’s functional taxonomy. Landscape Research42(1)

Lerstrup, I. & Refshauge, A.D. (2016). Characteristics of forest sites used by a Danish forest preschoolUrban Forestry & Urban Greening20.

Lerstrup, I. & Møller M. S. (2016). Affordances of Ditches for Children in Preschool Children, Youth and Environments26(2)